Why Do We Like Wrestling So Much ?

What can one say about wrestling? It's fake and full of steroid-pumped men that scream, bark and throw chairs, yet millions of fans are drawn to it.We love sports yet wrestling isn't a sport, it's entertainment. But every Monday night BANG!, millions and millions of fans tune in to smell what The Rock is cooking.

We've all gone through phases of fondness and abhorrence toward wrestling. We watched in the 80's when Hulk Hogan, Iron Sheik and Andre the Giant were the main attractions. Then we were turned off by the fake punches and the terrible acting. Recently though, it seems as though we can't go anywhere without hearing someone say that "it doesn't matter what your name is!".

Just about everyone watches. Grown-up successful men that have six figure incomes are even mesmerized by wrestling. It's difficult to understand and for the most part, the wrestling isn't the interesting part, it's the professional acting that most of us tune in to witness. These 250-pound men are great actors and they can even be funny sometimes.

So why do we watch? Men (and women) have always loved watching fights. That's why useless people, like Mike Tyson, are paid $30 million to fight and why so many lions ate people back in ancient Roman times. Since most of us don't fight on a daily basis (girlfriends don't count), we look for an outlet of aggression. What's better than watching giant men attempt to kill each other in the name of entertainment? You can't beat it. Add a little bit of T & A to the formula and guys are hooked.

No one should attempt to explain why grown men watch wrestling. It should simply be accepted as a law of nature (the same reason why men will never understand women). One request though...please don't quote wrestlers...or I'll have to lay the smackdown on you, jabroni!.


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