Q & A: Brandi Richardson





SexyHotDivas: Brandi, welcome to LadySports Online! Before we get started, I'd just like to congratulate you on passing the North Carolina bar exam! Does this mean you'll be wrestling as Brandi Richardson, Esq.?
BRANDI RICHARDSON: Hi! Thanks for having me and thanks so much for the congrats! I am so excited to finally finish my degree and wrap up the education era of my life! Not sure if I will muddle the wrestling career with the legal career, but anything is possible, I guess! Guess we gotta wait and see!

SH: When did you first get into the sport?
BR: I was 17 years old and, as is the case with most workers, had been a fan since childhood. A friend in my area was running indy shows in our local armory and rec center. He offered to give me a shot at managing a heel faction there, and I jumped at the chance. I fell in love with it and it just kind of went from there.

SH: Who trained you?
BR: I am very fortunate in that I had a lot of good friends who stepped up to the plate when I decided to start training. Chief among those is Marty "Cham Pain" Garner. Then I had input from some other great peeps like "The Gemini Kid" Jeff Rudd, Kristin Flake, Kamikaze Kid, Kimo, Amber O'Neal, Mike Yamaha, etc. And Ebone Moseley and Jesse Jordan are ALWAYS willing to let me try stuff on them and help me out. I am very, very lucky.

SH: What was your biggest influence to become a wrestler?
BR: I was enthralled by Miss Elizabeth when I was younger. I also loved Wendi Richter and Malibu! And I worked with Mickie James a lot when I first got into wrestling... her dedication is trumped only by her sheer talent, and she is just amazing.

SH: What other sports do you have an interest in?
BR: I was into all kinds of sports growing up. I was a cheerleader for seven years and was captain of my varsity squad. I played basketball and volleyball and was a gymnast for several years. I was pretty good at short distance running and soccer.

SH: How would you describe yourself in terms of attitude, personality and strengths?
BR: I try very hard to always maintain a good, positive attitude, even when the circumstances around me are not necessarily the best. I am a firm believer in the idea that you simply HAVE to find a good in EVERY situation and, more than anything, be thankful for all of the good things in your life. God has richly blessed me...you gotta give back. As far as personality, I guess I am pretty outgoing. I will talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime. And MAYBE I have a slight tendency to be a bit of a smartass! Ha!

SH: Describe a typical day of training for you. What is most important in your workout?
BR: Hard to say! Depends on what my body is lookin' like at any given time. In general, I try to do a good balance of cardio and weight training without listing TOO heavy... just a nice tone. Speaking of which, I totally need to get my butt into the gym. I slacked off this summer studying for the bar!

SH: How would you best describe your ring style?
BR: In desperate need of work! HA! I'm on it!

SH: Did you base your ring style or even your persona on any one particular wrestler?
BR: Not really. I admire certain traits/styles that other people possess, but would stop short of saying that I base my style or persona on anyone else's.

SH: Have you ever been injured in the ring?
BR: I have a preexisting back injury that has nothing to do with wrestling, but which constantly interferes with my training. Add that to the list of things that I need to take care of. Otherwise, knock on wood, I haven't had any other injuries short of a few bumps, bruises, and loose teeth!

SH: Since you've begun, have you ever had a "Why am I still doing this" moment?
BR: Oh, sure. In fact, I took a year and a half off when I started law school. Even after that I only worked occasionally for a long time until I went to one show in particular where a lot of my old buddies were and I remembered how much I missed the business. So I got back in!!

SH: What type of match do you enjoy the most?
BR: I enjoy watching a good, solid technical match that tells a great story. That is what it is all about... that little something that draws you in and keeps you on the edge of your seat. And really...just a basic, well-put together match.

SH: What sort of reactions do you get from people when they learn you are a wrestler?
BR: Oh, that is always funny! Shock...pure shock. Followed by lots of questions!

SH: What is so special about this sport to you?
BR: Without a doubt, the people I get to work with. At least around here, it is like a big family. Most everyone has a genuine respect for one another and they look out for one another. I have made some of the best friends I will ever have because of wrestling. The people are just the best in the world...and they love this sport.

SH: What are your fans like?
BR: Most of them are very, very sweet. Great, passionate people.

SH: If you had the power, what one thing would you do to improve the sport?
BR: I would make the "big time" more competitive so that there could be several companies and more of the truly talented performers could live their dream and work full-time for a "major" company. More outlets to make those dreams come true!

SH: Where have you wrestled, and what titles have you held?
BR: Mostly all throughout North Carolina. A little bit of South Carolina and Virginia, and most recently in good ol' Philly! No titles...except Most Hated! HA! I am absolutely the kind that everyone loves to hate. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

SH: What do you say to those who don't feel there's a place for women in the sport?
BR: If there wasn't a place for them, they wouldn't be there. They are there for a reason. And they most definitely have a place.

SH: What was your most unforgettable moment in the ring?
BR: The last show I worked at King's Barrcade in Downtown Raleigh. I had amazing memories there and it is where I really got my start. And the promotion had one final match there before the city tore the building down to build a parking lot (I know...paved paradise and put up a parking lot...I went there). Lots of good memories with some of the best people in the world...it was very special for me.

SH: If you could have only one more final match, who would you most want to have as your opponent, and why?
BR: Luna Vachon...because of an interview I read that she did recently. Her account of her history in the business was touching...and I have utmost respect for her.

SH: Any regrets?
BR: Never.

SH: What do you suppose you would be doing if you couldn't be in wrestling?
BR: Still be kickin' ass...just in the court room!

SH: What is your personal motto?
BR: I just got it tattooed on my back..."To whom much is given, much is also required." Use your gifts, take nothing for granted...if you are given a talent, make the most of it.

SH: What would make you most happy in life?
BR: I usually don't tell a lot of people this, but I am getting a little older and a little wiser, so I guess now is as good a time as any...what would make me the happiest is to have the "American Dream"...nice job, happy marriage, be a great mom to a rugrat or two, and get heavily involved with an animal rights charity. But hold the phone, because I am still young and have lots of decisions to make before all that!

SH: Anything else you'd like to add?
BR: Thanks to everyone who routinely writes me messages with their support. It truly means more to me than you know....

SH: Thanks for making the time to speak with us!
BR: Thanks again for having me! You guys are awesome!

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